Simple and Quick Training Plan

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Hey Life Warriors,

As we express in our manifesto, not everyone has the money and especially the time to go to the gym every day for hours. Although, of course, for elite athletes or professional athletes, the volume and specificity of training are very important, for most people a simple and quick training plan can be composed that meets our goals: to be strong and healthy. for daily life, as we explained in this article .

To condense a complete workout into a reduced time, we need two things: the first is to reduce rest times, and the second is to compose circuits that delay the onset of muscle fatigue as much as possible. Today we want to present you a way to achieve this goal, which is EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) training.

EMOM Training

This way of training is based on defining an exercise circuit. We have one minute to perform the prescribed repetitions of an exercise; Once the minute has passed, we will move on to the next exercise, and so on until we complete all the exercises.

It is important that we choose the order of the exercises well, and that we do not do consecutive exercises that work the same muscle groups. For example, if we do push ups and then do military presses, by the time we get to the second exercise, our shoulders and triceps are going to be too fatigued to do a good job and receive a good stimulus. After a series of dips, the ideal would be to do a leg exercise, or, if we do an upper body exercise, it should be a pulling exercise, such as, for example, any rowing variation.

We can adjust the difficulty through the number of repetitions we prescribe, the number of total rounds and the number of exercises we put in each of the intervals.

This would be a simple EMOM example:

Minute 1: 15 squats

Minute 2: 15 push ups

Minute 3: 16 split squats (8 with each leg)

Minute 4: 15 crunches

Minute 5: rest

Repeat 4 times; Total time: 20 minutes

This would be a slightly harsher EMOM example:

Minute 1: 10 squats + 10 lunges

Minute 2: 10 dips + 10 inverted rows

Minute 3: 10 crunches + 10 inverted crunches

Minute 4: rest

Repeat 5 times; Total time: 20 minutes

In the second case, to increase the difficulty, in each minute we have to do two exercises instead of just one, and, although the total number of repetitions is lower in the second case (50 instead of 60), doing two exercises in the minute will significantly reduce our rest times, so we will get tired sooner.

The ideal is to progress in the following way:

Step 1: Full Body EMOM with just one exercise per interval

Step 2: Full Body EMOM with two exercises per interval

Step 3: Specific EMOM (upper or lower body) with only one exercise per interval

Step 4: Specific EMOM (upper or lower body) with two exercises per interval

And so on.

If you train at the gym or have some equipment at home, here are some examples you can try

EMOM Beginners (4 rounds)

Necessary material: A bar with a light weight (that allows 15 repetitions comfortably) and a pair of light dumbbells.

Minute 1: Hang Clean x 10

Minute 2: Squat clean x 10

Minute 3: Military Press x 10

Minute 4: Split Squats x 10

Minute 5: Rest

EMOM Intermediate (5 rounds)

Minute 1: Clean & Press x 10 / Bent Over Row x 10

Minute 2: Squat clean x 10 / Deadlift x 10

Minute 3: Push ups x 10 / Ab Rollouts x 10

Minute 4: Rest

IMPORTANT: In this type of training, you should choose relatively light loads, since as the rounds progress, we will be more tired and that can affect our technique. Never let fatigue force you to do exercises with poor technique, as this puts you in serious danger of injury. This is not maximum strength training, but strength endurance training.

Finally, you are probably wondering how do I measure times in a reasonably comfortable way? Surely you will think (and you will be right) that setting the countdown on your cell phone and having to restart it every minute is not the most comfortable or the most efficient. Don’t worry; Like so many things in life, this is easily solved through an App. There are tons of them, both on Android and iOS. This is the one I use; It is free, very easy to use and is available on both Android and iOS:

App for HIIT training

Did you know this type of training? Leave us your opinion in comments or ask us if you have any questions😉

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